Friday, December 16, 2011


"When I was Born, I must be sad. I didn't want to But I was made to. May be that's why I might be crying that day. First thing they taught me was how to pee. Like I hadn't figure out that until then. Life moved on. I was forced to learn. I was sad. I didn't want to But I was made to. Four years of Pre-School was enough, or as I thought but was forced to Twelve years of school. I was sad, I didn't want to But I was made to. And they slapped me with Four years of Engineering. Now I work Five days a week just to get through the week. didn't want to But I was made to. All I ever wanted was Ten hours of sleep, Three meals a day & a color television. The whole point is I was sad then, I'm sad now. And that proves I'll never change !"

P.S- In reply to a Girl assuring her that I love her & never change. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Never Been Kissed

Experiencing pain is now a way of life. People suffer pain in many ways. It may be Physical, mental or even psychological. But the pain I'm talking about is very dangerous. Its the pain of a person who has never been loved. Yes I'm talking about, The Unloved. You can't see their pain but you can feel it through the numbness in their eyes. They will never utter a word bout it but deep down they know they are dying. They know the pain is there, like a parasite its eating their flesh and sucking their soul.
         They have so much to give but they cant find a sink. They just walk around lost in the crowd behave like like perfect homo sapiens. But they are different, they stand apart. They have devised a unique way to get over their pain. They just dont think bout it, they have buried it in innermost area of their core where very few have access to. That region haunts them in the darkest times. For that times they have locked that region and have deliberately lost the key.
          But God, The Superior power here doesn't want them to get away with this trick. To show his supremacy above these people, he made several copies of the master key in form of triggers. These triggers are directly related to the weaknesses of them. Whenever they get weak, the triggers are activated and the locks of hell are opened for them. This is a evil of the supreme master that doesnt allow such people to glow amidst the darkness in their hearts. As he knows if these people conquers their pain, They can easily challenge his powers.
         If a man can control his pain, he can utilize his anger for greater goods for himself. That's what the god fears from these people. That's why he devises evil ways to hamper such people to do what they are good at. That is the Irony of The Unloved, Those Never Been Kissed !

Peace Out !